The One Action That Defines True Love

If you or your partner do this, then you know you‘re inseparable

Sajjad Choudhury
7 min readOct 31, 2022
My wife and I at Kew Gardens — Image by Author

Every human craves love and affection. No matter what anyone says, it’s one of our most fundamental needs. Some find that in family, others in friends.

Have you wondered why a person could be so badly affected by a seemingly harmless social media comment? Celebrities often fill their craving for love by reading through the responses sent by their fans. Many even actively respond.

But when they come across something negative, it’s as if their soul has been pierced. Some celebrities live and breathe for their fans. They love them. So when they don’t get that love back, it’s understandable that their heart breaks a little.

But of all the sources of love a person can receive, the sweetest is that of a partner. But how do you separate love from true love?

It’s not by the actions of one but by the actions of both.

What is True Love?

Do you know the meaning of true love? You might answer yes, but do your actions really convey that? Read the following, then ask yourself again:

‘Essentially, true love means that you have an unwavering, unbreakable and unparalleled fondness and devotion for your…



Sajjad Choudhury

Product Operations Lead @ Onfido | I create relationship wellbeing content, digital products and run an IG page. Check it out -